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品牌: Lowe’s验厂
Lowe’s验厂: 0*0
单价: 面议
起订: 1 项
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-02-21 11:59
浏览次数: 12
During factory certification, the assessor needs to review the following documents from your factory.  Please make them ready 
for review if you have these documents.  在工厂评审过程中,评审员须要查阅下述文件。如 贵公司备有该等文件,请事先由档案抽出,以便查阅。
(一)厂房平面图 Factory Layout Diagram
(二)近十二个月准时交货的统计数据 Last 12 months on time delivery statistical data
(三)近十二个月成品的质量抽查的统计数据 Last 12 months final pre-shipment quality audit statistical data
(四)员工招聘 Recruitment
1)招聘守则 Guidelines for Recruitment
2)职位说明书 Job Description
(五)员工培训 Employee Training
1)员工守则培训课程大纲 Factory Rules and Regulati***** for Employees 
2)个别岗位技能培训课程大纲 Training contents of skills required for Individual post 
3)员工培训纪录 Records of Employee Training
(六)质量系统的规范文件 Quality System Policies and Operating Procedures
1)工厂组织架构图 Factory Organization Chart
2)质量主管的职责介定 Roles and Resp*****ibilities of Key pers***** in Quality Organization
3)质量主管的报告渠道 Reporting channel for pers***** in Quality Department
4)挑选供应商的手续及质量审查程序 Vendor selection procedures and quality assessment procedures
5)对供应商的质量要求及监管 Vendor quality requirements and performance monitoring 
6)各质检岗位的工作指引 Operating procedures for individual Quality control stati***** 
7)工艺水平的检查准则 Workmanship Acceptance/Rejection Criteria
8)来料及退料管理 Incoming material handling and non-conforming material return procedures
9)不合格品处理程序 Nonconforming material handling procedures
10)不合格品的成因分析及改措施成效追踪纪录 Defect analysis records and countermeasures monitoring
11)质量管理系统的年检计划及年检报告 Master schedule for internal quality system audit, reports of periodical internal quality 
system audit
12)按质量管理系统的年检结果拟定的改计划及成效追踪纪录 Improvement plan against periodical internal quality system audit 
results and countermeasures monitoring
13)仪器校正计划 Equipment Calibration Plan
14)仪器校正纪录 Equipment Calibration Records
15)文件控制(含产品规范文件) document control procedures (including product safety standards)
16)供应商质量表现纪录 Vendors quality performance records
17)设备保养及维修程序 Machines preventive maintenance and repair procedures
18)条码扫描仪及条码检查程序 Barcode scanners and barcode verification procedures

ISO9001问题的纠正 ISO9001在业务流程方面的技术和市场份额成长缓慢 ISO9001赶不上客户的成长 ISO9001保存繁琐而庞杂的记录 ISO9001庞大的文件维护工作量 ISO9001管理评审不起作用或频次不足,不受员工欢迎 ISO9001变革受阻,或总是举步维艰 ISO9001管理层对战略策划中不考虑质量的作用
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